How John C. Maxwell became a best-selling author with over 70 titles and how you can too

Oluwatobi Adesanya
2 min readJul 25, 2017


Wouldn’t it be so awesome that while you live, bookstores all over the world have your books beautifully displayed and people of all kinds, races, and nationality come in to buy?

I’d love that and I’m sure you would too.

One major strategy used by bestselling authors is to write many books or to create a series of books that keep their readers anticipating for more.

John Maxwell has adopted this same strategy too. He has written over 70 titles.

How did John Maxwell reach this level of success with his books? How can one man have over 70 titles to his name, many of them translated into several languages of the world, and selling over 20 million copies worldwide? How has he been able to write over 70 books?

It’s quite simple and I’d tell you.

You see, I’m yet to recover from the day I learned that John C. Maxwell had engaged a Personal (Professional) writer in writing his books for over 20 years running. At first, when John started his career, he wrote his books alone. After several years in the industry, he had only succeeded in writing just four books. Knowing John for who is, you’d know he always has a lot of things to share.

He thought of a way to lift the lid up his writing potential, and do you know what he did? He hired Charlie Wetzel who has helped to scale John’s writing and publishing potential to know limits.

So, if you want to amplify your writing potential, you desire to write more books than John in your lifetime, then you can consider getting a ghostwriter to stand by you to birth those books that have long been in your heart.

Today, with Charlie, John has written over 50 titles and counting and almost all of them have been bestsellers, enjoying wide readership over the years and even increasing sales annually.

Unlike many other celebrities we have in the world today who do not acknowledge their (ghost) writers, John has made it a point of duty to recognize his writer, Charlie in all his books.

So, if you want to amplify your writing potential, you desire to write more books than John in your lifetime, then you can consider getting a ghostwriter to stand by you to birth those books that have long been in your heart.

You can even be greater than John.

Want to author a book or books? I can be your own Charlie. I’m just a call away.



Oluwatobi Adesanya

Oluwatobi is a writer and publisher. He is the Creative Director of Heart2World Publishing #Editor #Publisher #LoverofHisPresence